In the heart of the province of Taranto, in the summer, the village of Pulsano comes to life each year with the historical reenactment of "Polso Sano", an event that takes you back in time and keeps alive customs and traditions dating back to the medieval period. The event comes to life in the suggestive setting of Castello De Falconibus, where the past is revived through careful historical reconstruction. The castle and its square transform into an open-air stage.
Visitors and citizens have the opportunity to witness performances by flag bearers, musicians, and drummers, who with their shows recreate the atmosphere that was felt in ancient times. The highlight of the event is the historical parade, where the neighboring households of the fiefdom parade in a colorful and lively procession, commemorating the visit of King Ladislaus of Anjou-Durazzo and Mary of Enghien in 1407 on the occasion of their wedding. The reenactment of "Polso Sano" is not only a cultural event, but also a moment of sharing and touristic promotion, attracting visitors from all over the region and contributing to keeping alive the historical roots of Pulsano.